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Back-to-School: Innisfil Education and After-School Programs

Back-to-School: Innisfil Education and After-School Programs

One of the most attractive qualities of any neighbourhood is the existence of an education system and structure with various accessible educational programs within close proximity. The Belle Aire Shores community is ideally located close to schools and facilities offering child-minding and after school programs for children of all ages, making it easier for parents to better accommodate their work schedules and daily commutes while gaining access to the support their families need.

There are approximately 20 schools located in the quaint Town of Innisfil, all ranging from elementary to secondary and high school, technical and Montessori schools, as well as Catholic and public schools. While they are fairly spread out, the majority are all conveniently located within a 4-10 minutes drive from Belle Aire Shores' new 36', 42' and 50' detached homes. Parents will also be happy to find that most Catholic and public elementary, secondary and high schools also have school buses driving through the town. Innisfil is also home to various performing arts and martial arts studios, as well as music schools for children interested in further extracurricular activities and continued education.

For schools in Innisfil that fall under the direction of the Simcoe County District School Board, the board recently communicated their commitment to prioritizing students' and staff's health and well-being as one of their principal pillars in their 2017-2022 education plan: "The SCDSB will work to ensure, enhance, foster and promote: positive sense of self and belonging; safe, healthy, respectful learning and working cultures; and appreciation for environmental practices and outdoor learning." The board is also committed to finding new ways of integrating learning and education with the outdoors, an effort found rare in most school systems that parents are happy to come across.

While many of the surrounding schools do offer after school programs, there are a vast array of other facilities offering childcare services as well. These include Holy Cross' and St. Francis of Assisi's YMCA Child Care, Innisfil's Simcoe Child Care Services, Smiling Faces Daycare and more! St. Francis of Assisi and Goodfellow Public YMCA Child Cares also provide toddler and preschool programs for new parents.

While the beginning of September is an exciting time for children advancing to their next year of school, it's also a time when kids are more exposed to germs and bacteria. In light of this, Innisfil's Mayor Gord Wauchope opened a temporary walk-in clinic located in Innisfil's Town Hall while residents await the grand opening of Innisfil's new Health Hub said to open to the public by fall of 2018. In late 2016, Innisfil's Council also announced the 2017-2018 budget to include supporting current and future upgrades to Innisfil’s streets and improvements to Innisfil's recreation areas, making it easier for school buses to travel, as well as adults commuting further to work.

Belle Aire Shores' new 36', 42' and 50' detached homes are within close proximity to all the amenities, child care services and education programs needed to support residents' growing families and busy lifestyles. With accessible transport as well as various schools within a few minutes distance from Innisfil's Belle Aire Shores community, it's no wonder young married couples and families are choosing Innisfil over the congested neighbourhoods of the GTA.